BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Spatie calendar-links BEGIN:VEVENT UID:ca1dd09064b710eea32be2f2a4a8e8e1 SUMMARY:Scout Top Rope Climbing Proficiency Badge Course DTSTAMP:20180922T230000Z DTSTART:20180922T230000Z DTEND:20180923T060000Z DESCRIPTION:Successful completion of this program will earn participants the Scout Top Rope Climbing Proficiency badge. Successful completion of this program will earn participants the Scout Top Rope Climbing Proficiency badge.\n \nSupervision of youth members is provided by Region activity leaders during course hours only.\n \n(Home Scout Leaders - please fill in leaving and returning details on this form\, according to your own transport arrangements.)\n \nLocation - \nTheory Night: Thrusday 20 Sept\, at Bundilla Scout HQ 7:30pm-9:00pm\nPractical: Sunday 23 Sept - Dargan Creek dam(Near the Zig Zag Railway along the Bell Line Of Road)\nAll participants should bring with the following with them on the activity day:\nA small pack with:\n* Raincoat\n* Lunch \n* Water\n* Warm jumper/fleece\n* Sandshoes (or climbing shoes if you have them)\n \nHarnesses\, helmets\, ropes and other equipment will be provided. But if you have your own please bring it along.\n \nPlease note: The activity may be canceled in the event of rain or bush fire threat. \n\nSuccessful completion of this program will earn participants the Scout Top Rope Climbing Proficiency badge. Successful completion of this program will earn participants the Scout Top Rope Climbing Proficiency badge.\n \nSupervision of youth members is provided by Region activity leaders during course hours only.\n \n(Home Scout Leaders - please fill in leaving and returning details on this form\, according to your own transport arrangements.)\n \nLocation - \nTheory Night: Wednesday 26th July\, at Bundilla Scout HQ 7:00pm-8:30pm\nPractical: Sunday 30th July - Dargan Creek dam(Near the Zig Zag Railway along the Bell Line Of Road)\nAll participants should bring with the following with them on the activity day:\nA small pack with:\n* Raincoat\n* Lunch \n* Water\n* Warm jumper/fleece\n* Sandshoes (or climbing shoes if you have them)\n \nHarnesses\, helmets\, ropes and other equipment will be provided. But if you have your own please bring it along.\n \nPlease note: The activity may be canceled in the event of rain or bush fire threat. For more info\, go to: LOCATION:Dargan Creek Dam\, Bell Line of Road Dargan END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR