BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Spatie calendar-links BEGIN:VEVENT UID:6b0d54dffc58575cc5940be7c57dd9e2 SUMMARY:Scout Abseiling Proficiency Badge Workshop DTSTAMP:20180825T223000Z DTSTART:20180825T223000Z DTEND:20180826T060000Z DESCRIPTION:Completion of the Scout Abseil course earns the participant the Abseil Proficiency Badge\nThis is aimed at Scout aged people. and is based on the Abseil Proficiency in the green book.\n \nmaximum number allowed is 22 this can be done by having two groups of 11.\nwith one group starting at 8:30am and finish at 12pm and \nthe other group stating at 12:30pm and finish at 4pm \nthe groups will be decided on the theory night\n \nLeaders please fill in leaving and returning details on this form according to transport arrangements.)\n \nLocations:\nTheory Night\, Wednesday 21 August at Bundilla Scout Camp\, 7.30 pm to 8.30 pm.\nPractical\, Sunday 26 August: Sanctuary Point Rd West Pennant Hills Start 8.30 am\, finish 4 pm. with 2 groups number depending.\nif there is only 1 group then will finish at 12:30pm\n \n \nAll participants should bring with them \nBring lunch\, \nwater\, \nraincoat if it looks like rain. \n \n \nPlease note the practical days can be called off if it is raining or fire in the area. For more info\, go to: LOCATION:Scout Abseiling\,Sanctuary Point Rd\, West Pennant Hills\, Sanctuary Point Rd\, West Pennant Hills END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR